Help and Advice

What we do

CCICM is a debt collection agency based in the UK. We work for many different companies and public sector organisations whose customers have either fallen behind with repayments or have failed to pay an outstanding lump sum. We work with you – the customer – to agree and establish a fair and affordable plan to allow repayment of the debt.

If you receive a letter from us, we advise you to get in touch as soon as possible. Delaying this may lead to further action being taken, so we strongly recommend that you get in touch to discuss and decide the best way forward. We have been established for 30 years and are totally committed to providing a professional, ethical service. Please read the information below to find out more about how we are regulated and the standards we comply with.

Credit Services Association

CCICM is a member of the Credit Services Association (CSA) so we must comply with their Code of Practice:

If you wish to learn a little bit more about debt collection, we encourage you to visit the CSA website. In particular, you may find their Help and Guidance section helpful:

Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

CCICM is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and is fully compliant with all the relevant provisions of the FCA Handbook:

If you wish to learn more about the required conduct of a debt collection firm, please see section 7 of the Consumer Credit Sourcebook:

CCICM holds full FCA permission to conduct consumer credit related regulated activity and our FRN is 712354. You can search the FCA financial register by visiting their website: and entering CCICM or 712354.

Data Protection Act

We process all data in accordance with data protection principles as set out in the Data Protection Act 2018 (General Data Protection Regulation). For any further information about the protection of your data, please visit the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO):

Our data protection registration number is: Z5640292

If you wish to find out more about data protection, please visit ICO’s website –

Please Note

A subject access request does not affect the collections on an account. We can still attempt to collect on the debt whilst dealing with your request. This is the case unless you are disputing the debt, in which case, we shall cease collection activity until we are in a position to provide you with reasons and/or evidence as to why our client believes your dispute is not valid.

Make a Payment

By Phone:

The simplest way to pay is to call us on 01766 771166 and pay by debit card (all our calls are recorded for training and compliance purposes). Please always quote your reference number when making payments. Our lines are open from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 4pm on Saturdays. If calling from abroad please dial +441766 771166.
If you would like someone else to make a payment on your behalf (e.g. a family member), please make sure that they have been authorised by you first.

24 Hour Automated Telephone Line

To make a payment using our 24 hour automated payment line please call 01766 549 231. You will need your 6 digit reference number which can be found on our letter.

By Cheque or Postal Order

Please send your cheque or postal order to CCICM, 5 Snowdonia Business Park, Porthmadog LL48 6LD. Please note that there is a fee for a postal order, for up to date prices please visit:

All cheques and postal orders must be made to CCICM.

Online Payment

Payment can be made by debit card using our website:

Rest assured, CCICM is PCI DSS compliant and your information (including your card data) is safe with us.

Internet Banking

Payments can be made directly into our bank account using internet banking and there should be no fee for doing this from the UK. Payments should be made into the following account:

Bank: HSBC.
Account number: 51800302
Sort Code: 403713

If paying from outside the UK: IBAN: GB84MIDL40371351800302 BIC: MIDLGB2149R

Direct Debit, Standing Order Mandate

If you wish to set up a regular payment plan, we can arrange for a standing order mandate or direct debit form to be sent to you. Please call us on 01766 771166 and we will send you the appropriate form.

Alternatively, you can download a direct debit form from here. Print the form out, fill it out, sign it and return to CCICM, Unit 5, The CCI Centre, Snowdonia Business Park, Porthmadog LL48 6LD. Please don’t forget to quote your reference number. Before you send us your completed and signed direct debit (please send us the original as the banks do not accept copies), please make sure your offer of repayment has been accepted by our client. If you are unsure, please contact us on 01766 771166. Last but not least, direct debits can be collected on the 7th, 14th, 21st or 28th of each month.

Contact Us To Discuss Your Account

If you have a query regarding your account, you require to see evidence of the debt or simply wish to talk to us about your options, please call us on 01766 771166 (all calls are recorded for training and compliance purposes). You can also send us an Email

1. Who are CCICM?

A: CCICM is a debt collection agency based in the UK. We work for many different companies and public sector organisations whose customers have either fallen behind with repayments or have failed to pay an outstanding lump sum. We work with you – the customer – to agree and establish a fair and affordable plan to allow repayment of the debt.

2. Did CCICM purchase my debt?

A: No, CCICM does not purchase debts. Your account was referred to us by your creditor to collect on any unpaid sums that are due to them.

3. Is CCICM regulated?

A: CCICM is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and is fully compliant with all the relevant provisions of the FCA Handbook.

4. I have been contacted by CCICM but I don’t recognise your client, the services or the details of the invoice, what should I do?

A: If you have been contacted by CCICM (whether by letter, email, text or voicemail) but you struggle to recognise the details, please contact us by either: Telephone: 01766 771166, email, or via your secure customer login and we will be happy to provide you with further details.

5. Where do I obtain my secure customer login details from?

A: Your username and password is normally printed on the letter that we send to you. If you have not received this you should call us on 01766 771166 to request your login details.

6. I have received a letter for someone who does not live here (anymore), what should I do?

A: If you have received a letter that is addressed to someone who does not live at your address, please call on 01766 771166 or Email Us to advise us so we can stop writing to your address. If you know the person, it would be very helpful if you could supply any contact details for them. You can always return the envelope to us marked as ‘gone away’. All records are held against an individual’s credit file. Even if your address is linked with a person who has had an outstanding debt this should not affect your ability to obtain credit.

7. When I call your office or receive a call from your office, I am asked to provide my personal information such as my full name, full address, DOB, why?

A: Your personal data security is extremely important to us and we cannot discuss your account until we have confirmed that we are talking to the correct person.

8. Do you record all your calls?

A: All our calls are recorded and routinely used for training, compliance and auditing purposes. All call recordings are turned off when taking card payments.

9. Will your actions affect my credit rating?

A: Our involvement will not necessarily affect your credit rating (for example sending letters or making phone calls). However non-payment of certain types of debt such as consumer credit debt is reported to the major credit bureaus (credit reference agencies such as Experian and Equifax) by the creditor. CCICM may conduct a search at your address and this will be recorded as a debt collection search. This ‘footprint’ will be then visible to you only. In the event payment is not made, our clients may instruct us to issue legal proceedings. If Judgment is recorded against you this may have an adverse effect on your credit rating and ability to obtain credit at competitive interest rates in the future. Generally, County Court Judgments are valid for a period of 6 years. If paid they will be recorded as satisfied, however the Judgment will remain visible for the remainder of the 6 years.

10. I cannot afford to pay in full.

A:If you cannot afford to pay the outstanding balance in full, please contact us to discuss a mutually agreeable payment arrangement. Most instalment plans that do not exceed 6 months can be agreed after a short assessment of your financial circumstances with one of our agents on the phone. It may however be necessary for you to complete an income and expenditure form called a Common Financial Statement if we believe your repayment plan is unaffordable or exceeds a time limit agreed by the creditor. Please click here to download the Common Financial Statement.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties and cannot make any payments, please contact us and we will try to find a solution for you. It is likely that we will recommend that you contact organisations that offer free and independent debt advice. Please see the ‘Help and Advice’ tab further down for more detail. If you are already working with one of those organisations or you have a debt management plan with an authorised debt management firm, make sure that they have included our client’s claim within your plan. In any event, we encourage you to contact us and advise us of your situation so we can adapt to your needs.

11. I wish to increase / decrease my payments, what should I do?

A: If you wish to change the amount you are currently paying, please contact us to discuss your options as we may need to carry out a short assessment of your financial circumstances.

12. I have received a notice from you advising me a field agent will call at my address.

A: We may appoint an agent to visit you in order to discuss repayment of the outstanding debt and asses your current financial circumstances. You will be notified in advance in writing of their intended visit. Our agents will not request payment from you at the time but it will be helpful if you could provide them with details of your income and expenditure in order for them to make an assessment of your financial situation. Information provided to our agent will be reported back to ourselves as well as the creditor.

13. I dispute the debt / what will happen if I refuse to pay?

A: If you believe that the debt is NOT owed, please contact us immediately to tell us your reasons. We will need as much detail as you can provide. It is of vital importance that we receive enough information to support your dispute. In the absence of such details, we cannot request a response from our client in order to resolve this matter and therefore we must continue to pursue for the full outstanding balance.

Refusal to pay or ignoring our correspondence may result in legal and enforcement action being taken against you where you may be liable for further costs in addition to the amount you owe.

14. I no longer live in the UK, what shall I do?

A: The debt remains valid and you must contact us urgently to arrange for payment to be made to prevent this matter being passed to an agency in the country where you’re now living.

15. I owe more than £1000 to the National Health Service in relation to overseas visitor charges.

A: You must arrange to have this debt paid as a matter of urgency. In accordance with the NHS Overseas Visitor patient charging policy, accounts with a balance exceeding £1000.00 that have been outstanding over 90 days are reported to the Home Office. Unless an acceptable repayment arrangement is in place all future visa applications (if applicable), for the lifetime of the debt, will be denied. If you already have a visa or are from a country that does not require a visa to enter the UK you may be detained by the UK Border Agency whilst re-entering the UK. If you have an asylum or residency application with the Home Office the outstanding account will be taken into consideration, which may affect your legal status to remain in the UK. Please visit the following Home Office website for further clarification:

16. I have received a letter but am covered by insurance, what shall I do?

A: If you are able, we ask that you make payment immediately and reclaim the payment from their insurer. If you are unable to make an immediate payment you should contact us urgently to prevent any further action being taken against you. In certain circumstances it may be possible to suspend action on the condition we receive confirmation from your insurer that payment is being made. Please ensure the following actions are taken:-

  • Contact our office to advise us the insurer is dealing with the matter. We will be able to provide you with the invoice numbers relating to this matter and enough time for you to resolve the matter with your insurer.
  • Contact your insurer and ask them to confirm the invoice(s) have been received by them and for them to contact us to confirm that payment will be made.

If the answer to your question is not listed here, please feel free to contact us on 01766 771166 or Email Us

‘Here To Help’ Video

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please see this ‘Here To Help’ video.

It is produced by the Credit Services Association (CSA), of which CCICM is a proud member. It encourages you to contact us to discuss money problems much earlier than many are currently doing. This always leads to a better outcome. We want to reassure you we are trustworthy and #heretohelp.

If you simply wish to discuss your options impartially, please see a list of organisations below, who offer free and confidential debt advice. . .

Debt Advice Organisations

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice provides free, independent and confidential advice on getting out of debt and on a variety of other issues. For advice and information on debt and other topics, visit your local Citizens Advice Bureau (you can find their address in the phone book) or go to:

National Debtline

National Debtline is a debt charity providing free, confidential, impartial advice and a library of online resources – including an information pack, personal budget planning, sample letters and a lot more. If you live in England, Wales or Scotland phone 0808 808 400 or visit:

StepChange Debt Charity

StepChange (formerly the Consumer Credit Counselling Service) is the leading debt charity in the UK providing free advice, help with budgets and debt management plans tailored to your personal situation. For debt advice throughout the UK phone 0800 138 1111 or visit:

The Money Advice Service

For free, unbiased and easy-to-access money tools, information and advice, phone 0300 500 5000 to speak to a Money Adviser or visit:


AdviceUK is the UK’s largest support network for free, independent advice centres. Member centres offer debt advice including specialist advice for minority communities and people with disabilities. For further information phone: 0300 777 0107.

Christians Against Poverty

This is a national charity, working across the UK to lift people out of debt and poverty. It offers free debt counselling through a network of 260 debt centres based in local churches. For assistance, call 01274 760720 or visit:

Debt Action NI Service

If you live in Northern Ireland, phone 0800 917 4607, email or visit for debt advice

Money Advice Scotland

If you live in Scotland, phone 0141 572 0237 or visit: to find contact details for debt advice in your local area.

Other useful organisations

Civil Legal Advice

Legal aid can help you for legal advice, family mediation and representation in court and some tribunals. This could include help for housing, debt, family or education problems. Phone: 0845 345 4345 or visit:


Professionalism Assured

CCICM has 30 years of experience in national and international debt collections and therefore has considerable expertise in this field. We are proud of our reputation for providing first class customer service and are constantly striving to find ways to improve. We understand that sometimes mistakes may be made and that by investigating problems and acting on recommendations our service can improve even further.

Definition of complaint

The FCA defines a complaint as:
‘Any expression of dissatisfaction, whether oral or written, and whether justified or not, from or on behalf of an eligible complainant about the firm’s provision of, or failure to provide, a financial service’.

CCICM Complaints Handling Policy:

CCICM Compliance Team:
‘We aim to resolve complaints at the earliest possible opportunity, minimising the number of unresolved complaints which need to be referred to the Financial Ombudsman Service.’

Complaints Procedure

CCICM has in place and operates an in-house complaints handling procedure that complies with the FCA Handbook, DISP Dispute Resolution: Complaints. These rules set out procedures and requirements that businesses must follow when handling complaints from customers. When dealing with complaints, CCICM also pays due regard to the CSA Complaints Procedure. Adhering to the DISP rules, CCICM has the opportunity to resolve any complaints before the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Ombudsman Service, Credit Services Association and Trading Standards get involved. Once we have received your complaint, it will be referred to our Compliance Team who will:

  1. Send you a prompt written acknowledgement providing early reassurance that we have received the complaint and are dealing with it;
  2. Investigate the complaint competently, diligently and impartially;
  3. Assess your complaint fairly, consistently and promptly;
  4. Offer redress or remedial action when it is appropriate;
  5. Explain to you promptly and, in a way that is fair, clear and not misleading, our assessment of the complaint, our decision on it, and any offer of remedial action or redress;
  6. Comply promptly with any offer of remedial action or redress accepted by you.

How to Register a Complaint

If you wish to make a complaint, please select from the following options:

Note – Written Correspondence:
If you are going to write to us, please label your correspondence as ‘Complaint’ so that it can get dealt with immediately upon its receipt. Follow this link to download a preformatted Complaint Form

What Happens Next?

We have 8 weeks in which to resolve your complaint in accordance with regulatory requirements. However in the majority of cases we will endeavour to conclude our investigations and send you a final response within 4 weeks. If we are unable to do so, we will send you a letter updating you with our progress. A final response will be issued by week 8.

Appeals Process

Financial Ombudsman

Should you feel that your complaint has not been concluded to your satisfaction following the procedure laid down above, you may refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service within 6 months of our final response.

The service is independent and impartial – it looks carefully at both sides of the story and weighs up the evidence before reaching a conclusion. If the ombudsman service decides we have treated you fairly, it will explain why. But if it decides that we have acted wrongly and you have lost out, then it has the power to order matters to be put right.

The contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service are:

South Quay Plaza,
183 Marsh Wall,
E14 9SR,

Tel: 0300 1239 123

Their consumer leaflet can be found at:

Please be advised that the Financial Ombudsman Service is not able to investigate every complaint that it receives as the issue may not be within its jurisdiction.

Credit Services Association

Alternatively, we are a member of the Credit Services Association (CSA) who also have a Code of Practice and a complaints investigation process. If you feel that you are being unfairly treated by us and wish to make a complaint to CSA, please contact them in writing by completing their Complaints form –

Credit Services Association Ltd,
2 Esh Plaza,
Sir Bobby Robson Way,
Great Park,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
NE13 9BA,

Tel: 0191 217 0775
Fax: 0191 236 2709

Further Information

If further details are required, please contact Leanne Bacigalupo (Compliance Officer)

Email: Click here to Email directly
Tel: 01766 772285 (all calls are recorded for compliance and training purposes)

What to do if your debt management company has closed down

You should take immediate advice regarding your debts. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Money Advice Service (MAS) recommend that you contact a free debt advice provider. They will provide a detailed and confidential review of your individual situation and guidance on how to move forwards.

For further information and advice on who to contact, please read this pdf

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