Client Services
CCI Credit Management (CCICM) and International Credit Exchange (ICE) are your ideal service partners to help your organisation to collect UK and international debts.
CCICM specialises in recovering international, commercial, and consumer debt both in the UK and 130 other countries.
What We Offer
Debt Recovery
- Commercial
- Consumer
- International
- High-Value Accounts
- Insurance/Trade Credit
- Healthcare
- Education
- Probate
- Debt Purchase
- International Credit Exchange Partnership
Assets & Credit
- Accounts Receivable
- Asset Searches, Investigations & Recovery
- Re-Marketing Assets
- Investigations and Tracing
- Credit Reports
Business Benefits
Here are the five main benefits, which add value to your business, of referring your unpaid accounts to CCICM or ICE. In summary, these can be categorised as:
- General
- Highest Recovery Ratios
- Exceptional Client Care
- Quality Standards, Compliance, & Data Security
- Best Value For Money.
Plan Future Growth
Access to our collections solutions and enables you to focus on your core activity and manage your own growth – without worrying how that might impact on your own credit department. We create scalable strategies bespoke to your specific needs.
All Debt Types
We handle both Commercial and Consumer accounts in the Financial Services, Corporate, Private, Public, and Third Sectors to ensure we cover all types of debt.
Total Trust
Peace of mind by partnering with the safest and most-trusted market-leading agency that delivers best-practice in every area of our operations, as well as the highest standards of data security, compliance, risk, governance, and quality management.
Highest Recovery Ratios
Complex commercial and consumer disputes are resolved by CCICM’s highly-trained team of skilled negotiators, combining sophisticated strategies, to maximise recovery ratios.
Credit Control Extension
Many commercial organisations use CCICM as an extension of their credit control function. Frequently, clients ask us to use a ‘soft touch’ and simply bring the outstanding accounts up to date, while enabling the trading relationship to continue as normal.
Our collectors’ role is frequently that of a mediator to facilitate a solution. Quite often, our intervention helps resolve whatever problem existed, recovers debt at higher ratios, strengthens your client/customer relationships, and enables the future flow of business.
Arrears Collections
CCICM is the undisputed market leader in health care collections, with 80% of UK NHS trusts, health boards and private hospitals as our clients.
In the Higher Education sector, we act for many universities and colleges, recovering loans, tuition fees, and accommodation debts from UK and overseas students.
Treating Customers Fairly
According to the circumstances of each client account, our team completely understand how and when to escalate the intensity of the arrears collection process. This phased and reasoned approach with your customers improves recovery ratios.
CCICM is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and adheres to the rigorous Treating Customers Fairly policy, especially vulnerable people with mental health and/or financial issues.
Exceptional Client Care
CCICM’s general approach to client care and customer service is simple: to ensure that every one is served the way we would want and expect to be treated ourselves. From directors, to managers and administrators, our whole company culture focusses on excellence.
Account Management
Successful collections only happen when we have a true partnership with our clients. Account management is always CCICM’s top priority.
In a fast-paced, closely-integrated, and highly-regulated world, clients recognise they can rely on our full-time UK, Overseas, and ICE teams to provide support and advice to manage their accounts.
Support includes on-site meetings and regular conference calls to understand clients’ objectives, needs, and results delivery.
Full Online Account Access
Equally, clients benefit from 24/7 access to CCICM’s bespoke, easy-to-use, and advanced online account management and customer payment portal to provide Total Case Overview. Credit managers of leading banks and multi-nationals have stated that its real-time information, query management, and tailored reporting attributes make it the best system they have ever encountered for account dataflow, case working, and portal tracking.
Our dedicated Client Care teams can provide full, guided webinars for you and your staff on how to work on the Total Case Overview portal.
This portal gives you complete access to, and control of, your files at all times, so you can ensure we are really responsive to your organisations’ needs.
Investors In People (IIP) Gold Until 2021
CCICM constantly reinforces service excellence through knowledge and experience transfer, on-the-job and external training, accreditation, and communications.
To sustain the highest standards for our human resource, we hold the prestigious Investors In People (IIP) Gold award until 2021.
Inspectors awarded IIP Gold mainly because of our strong leadership, compelling vision, and a culture of improvement. They also note our team of highly-skilled, well-trained, and extremely-motivated staff, and a business culture capable of providing high-quality jobs long into the future.
Quality Standards, Compliance, & Data Security
Corporate Reputation
Any security breach – if your business leaks or loses clients’ or customers’ personal data or financial information – can cause irrevocable damage to corporate reputations.
What price do you place on the peace-of-mind reassurance of total quality, best-practice compliance, and impeccable data handling?
Regulation & Accreditation
Compliance is a cornerstone of everything CCICM does. We have a huge array of accreditations for world-leading quality management and data security systems.
We are long-recognised within the debt recovery sector as operating by far the best policies and procedures for governance, compliance, and data protection – including the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
CCICM retains the highest compliance standards through:
- Regulation by, and membership of, finance industry bodies.
- Accreditations and certifications from recognised auditing organisations.
- Adhering to strict client/customer service protocols, and;
- Working in partnership with many globally-renowned businesses.
For 35 years CCICM has been at the forefront of UK collections and has invested heavily in transferring the very highest public sector regulatory standards, policies, and procedures both into our own business and that of Partner/Network agencies.
Rigorous Audits
In 2018 external auditors once again confirmed CCICM’s proud claims to be the world’s leading and most compliant international debt recovery agency.
Rigorous audits of CCICM’s best Quality Management, Information Security Management (ISM), and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) systems have re-affirmed our premier position.
ISO9001:2015, ISO27001, & Cyber Essentials
Our Quality Management System is ISO9001:2015 (UKAS) approved, while our data systems are fully-secure and in accordance with ISO27001 (UKAS). Both are certified by the British Standards Institute (BSI).
CCICM’s internal ISM System is a suite of activities concerning the management of information security risks. Our ISMS ensures security arrangements are fine-tuned to keep pace with changes to threats, vulnerabilities, and business impacts.
You can also rest assured that we have recognised and essential cyber-attack controls in place to protect both our and your computer systems from basic hacking.
NHS Information Governance
In 2018, the NHS Information Governance (IG) programme also re-certified CCICM as the only debt collection agency since 2015 to be lawfully entitled to handle NHS patient data. This IG programme is designed to preserve the integrity of patient data and medical records and was created to enable the NHS to share data with suppliers.
Monitoring Systems
Risk management, auditing, and performance-monitoring systems are fully embedded into all CCICM’s processes – including with ICE Partnership Members – which makes it the world’s largest and most compliant agency network.
As you can see, from start to finish, CCICM has the technical, human, and regulatory resource in place to meet/exceed your expectations, achieve the highest ratios of recovery, and protect all of our reputations.
Best Value For Money
CCICM fully understands the pressures that organisations – particularly your finance and/or accounts receivable teams – frequently face, often with cash-flow.
Our effective recovery strategies ensure no-win no-fee, bare-minimum commission costs for pre-legal work, while guaranteeing the highest-quality service, and so the best value for money.
Our trained and experienced Case Progression Officers will recommend any further ancillary action, such as tracing, site visits, property and asset valuations, and litigation. Only when you agree that course, however, does it become chargeable at competitive rates.